The project is implemented by a team gathered around the new Belgrade Gallery NO Concept in collaboration with NFTizer and ECD, in cooperation with designer Leonid Ajder.
The idea behind the project is to establish a platform for meeting, exchanging, and establishing cooperation between artists, curators, art historians, gallery owners, IT experts, experts on cryptocurrencies, bankers, and many others. Through a common understanding of NFT, critical observation of this phenomenon, directions of digital art development, career development of artists, their new role in the virtual world, as well as potentials in this domain for the local art scene in a global context.
The first regional NFT event consists of a three-day exhibition “RAZMAŠTANI DIG(ID)ENTITETI” which will be formed through an open invitation under the curatorial editorship of Vladimir Blejicic, as well as numerous accompanying programs, workshops, lectures, panels.
More information about the programme will be shared on the website of the NO Concept gallery, and an open invitation to participate in the exhibition is attached.

Učesnici izložbe "RAZMAŠTANI DIG(ID)ENTITETI" Figuracija 1. Aleksandra Ilić - (E)motion - Illuminating The Forgotten Clutches of One’s Own Beings 2. Dimitrije Milanov - Enter the void 3. Dragana Grbić Ganoo - Self-portrait; Space angel 4. Igor Lukić - Pixel face 1; Pixel face 2 5. Jelena Vezmar - Art of Duality 6. Stanko Gagrčin - Ily 7. Vladimir Lalić - Day at the beach; Travel with the speed of myth 8. Milica Živadinović - Crna Mara; Crvena Mara 9. Miona Racić - Untitled 10. Domen Sajović - Untitled 11. Melita Sandrin - Untitled 12. Tamara Taskova - Untitled 13. Maria Cardenal - So what 14. Filip Stojanović - Akt; Untitled 15. Aleksandar Bunčić - Untitled 16. Aleksandar Petković - DigiMetamorfoza Vilinog Konjica Apstrakcija 1. Ana Knežević - The Eye of Pi; Voiding The Void 2. Bojana Đurić - Metaverse 3. Jegor Aleksić - Composition 3 4. Lidija Ristić - The Bloodlessness 5. Gaia Radić - Simumalcrum 6. Mihailo Kalabić - Untitled 7. Danijela Nedeljković - Untitled 8. Anja Nikolić - Re-existence 9. Nataša Stevanović - Chaos diagram 10. Nina Šumarac - The Mother; You come old, You leave young 11. Teodora Nikolić - Pollution 12. Danijela Tuba - Digitalni Karađorđe 13. Marko Ćirić - Untitled 14. Nikola Stanarčić - Undevil 15. Boris Vraneš - Crazy Pills 16. Bojana Bojović - Rhythm refraction

Regionalna NFT izložba "RAZMAŠTANI DIG(ID)ENTITETI" Svaki aspekt naše svakodnevnice obeležen je digitalnim iskustvom što se odražava na način na koji vidimo i predstavljamo sebe. Razne aplikacije, emotikoni i filteri konsitituišu idealne slike nas samih koje doprinose učestalom brisanju granica između realnosti i fikcije. Stiče se utisak da pitanja emocija i suvisle ljudske interakcije ostaju na površini, dok fantazija, te ultimativna želja za posedovanjem (izgleda, imidža, statusa) definišu digitalni poredak. U želji da sagledamo savremeni trenutak i razumemo recentne načine posmatranja sebe i drugih potražujemo radove koji portretišu razmaštane verzije digitalnih identiteta (hibridi, mutanti, alteregoi,
botovi, algoritmi, kiborzi) bilo da su u pitanju humoristične, društveno anagažovane ili krajnje konceptualne interpretacije. Vladimir Bjeličić, kustos
