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2A123small The required proportionality seems to be missing, Nina Sumarac, poster, 2021 BI

"The required proportionality seems to be missing..."

Drawing digitally processed.

Poster print. Size:  68,11x52 cm

Year: 2021

Work inspired by the following article on the anti-corruption and state authoritarianism march "ENOUGH" that took place on 13thFebryary 2021 in Nicosia, Cyprus: Andreou, E., Agapiou, G., 2021. Arrests, water cannon used during anti-corruption march. Cyprus Mail, [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2021].


The 90th Autumn Exhibition of ULUS Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić", Belgrade 18.November-16.December 2021

Curation Art Council of ULUS, in cooperation with art historians Dr Dejan Sretenović and Dr Jelena Stojanović.

When is enough … enough? Who gets to make such decisions, and what criteria are these decisions based on? These questions about limits come at a poignant time when our individual and socio-cultural selves are being negotiated through both seeable and unseeable borders. Due to these partial disclosures about the forces in power and what/whom they represent, our representation is paralleled by the same partiality. A state of liminal existence that plants the seed for retaliation and survival.  Dr Frosoulla Kofterou





Rad  “Čini se da nedostaje potrebna proporcionalnost…” je

Inspirisan sledećim člankom o maršu "DOSTA" protiv korupcije i državnog autoritarizma koji se održao 13.Februara.2021 u Nikoziji na Kipru:

Andreou, E., Agapiou, G., 2021. Hapšenja, vodeni topovi korišćeni tokom marša protiv korupcije. Ciprus Mail, [online] Dostupno na: <> [pristupljeno 17. novembra 2021].​

Kada je dovoljno… dosta? Ko može da donosi takve odluke i na kojim kriterijumima se te odluke zasnivaju? Ova pitanja o granicama dolaze u potresnom trenutku kada se o našem individualnom i društveno-kulturnom ja pregovara kroz vidljive i nevidljive granice. Zbog ovih delimičnih otkrivanja snaga na vlasti i šta/koga one predstavljaju, naša reprezentacija je uporedna sa istom pristrasnošću. Stanje graničnog postojanja koje sadi seme za odmazdu i opstanak. Dr Frosoulla Kofterou






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