The 2022 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale published the catalogue for last year's exhibition.
Here you can see it online. Happy that our work I'll See You In The Trees was part of such an amazing event.
For the web catalog, you are able to find it through the following link: or click on the imiges
(사)한국자연미술가협회-野投 | 금강자연미술비엔날레 Korean Nature Artists' Association-YATOO | Geumgang Nature Art | www.natureartbiennale.orgT 041-853-8828|F 041-856-4336|E yatoo@hanmail.netA (32530) 충남 공주시 우성면 연미산고개길 98 (32530) 98 Yeonmisangogae-gil, Useongmyeon, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea