I am delighted to announce that our work I'll See You in The Trees is showing at the exhibition
ALL FUTURES MUST BE IN OUR PRESENTS, part of The Puntomov Videoart Festival at UAEMEX University of Arts Mexico in Toluca.
From 18th November till 3rd December at the places:
1. Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Faculty of Arts UAEMex. (November 22 – 25)
2. Laboratory of Digital Mediations for Design, FAD. UABC. ( 22-25 Nov )
3. Cultural Center “House of Diligences” UAEMEx (Nov 18-19)
4. University: XXI Century Educational Group. (November 22-28)
5. Tolzú Center (November 21 and 23)
This exhibition asked artists to imagine, question, or propose their own idea of the future.