Honoured that my work KO.VIDI https://www.ninasumarac.com/ko-vidi was shown at The 4th International Video Art Festival of the Master's Research Seminar in Visual Arts - at Leopoldo Gotuzzo Art Museum - MALG, Pelotas in Brazil. curators: Ana Langone (Brazil), Ana Maio (Brazil), Cristina Pósleman (Argentina), Fabricia Jordão (Brazil) , and Mayra Huerta Jiménez (Mexico). https://wp.ufpel.edu.br/spmav/festival-de-videos-spmav/ Premier on Youtube tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrvGkBW73M...

SPMAV - Seminário de Pesquisa do Mestrado em Artes Visuais - UFPel https://www.instagram.com/spmav_ufpel/ @ufpeloficial @malg.ufpel @spmav_ufpel