Very happy to be selected by the jury as one of 10 shortlisted artist from which will choose the three winners for the exhibition to present their artwork in Berlin, Germany in August/ September 2017. All 50 long list selected artists will be published in the book “The Social Art Award 2017 – Invigorating the Rise of Social Art”.
Social Art as any artistic expression that aims at creating social impact and change. This definition delineates the intention of the artist as crucial. Art engages in questioning and rethinking existing systems and paradigms. Artists are visionaries, utopists, agents for change, with the ability to affect society by creating emotionally captivating experiences. It is aesthetic revolution that preludes societal revolution.

Christa Joo Hyun D’Angeleo (Germany)
David Bert/Joris Dhert (Belgium)
Diogo da Cruz (Portugal)
Gerd Brockmann (Germany)
Glen Farley (Norway)
Lino Tonelotto (France)
Nina Sumarac Jablonsky (Cyprus)
Quek Jia Qi (Singapore)
Rachel Reid (United Kingdom)
Tatjana Macic (Netherlands)