Excited to be one of the finalists of INSTINC D:Art and in just 7 days I'll be showing my work ( Conversation in Red, MULTIVERSE series. see more here https://www.ninasumarac.com/multiverse ) for the first time in Singapore! curators: Aleksandra Jovanić and Icki and Teng Yen Hui https://twitter.com/i/status/1572956146138513411
Physical Exhibition and Metaverse exhibition. | Free Admission on regular operating days, except Opening Reception on 28 September from 6 PM onwards Date: 29 September to 9 October *Closed on Mondays Time: 12 PM - 7 PM (Singapore Time) Venue: INSTINC Space @SOHO2, The Central, 12 Eu Tong Sen Street soho2 #04-163 Singapore 059819
Metaverse Exhibition Free Admission Link: https://tinyurl.com/instincdfest
Our opening at INSTINCT:D Singapore. physical and metaverse exhibition for the inaugural INSTINC D:Art Fest 2022. The show features more than 20 digital artworks from 15 countries and regions responding to this year’s theme “Ignite the Future”. - 藝術家 Artists: Lazarus Chan (@chan_long_fung_lazarus) Chan Wan Kyn (@the.wan.one) Elaine B. Chao (chaoelainebetty) Igor eki (@igor.scek) IOYOI (@ioyoiioaoi) Jakestudyos (@jakestudyos) Juzo (@juzoart) Radzi Kalong (@radzikalong) Kinnara : Desi La (@kinnara_desila) Alvin Mak (@alvin.3ak) Kevin Oramas (@kevoramas) Anya Palamartschuk (@anyapalamartschuk) SEOHYO (@seohyo) Nina Sumarac (ninasumarac_drawings) Pornwipa Suriyakarn (@tangchare) Wyn-Lyn Tan (@WynLynTan) Warrragwag (@warrragwag) Julie Watai (@juliewatai) WMD Collective (@wmdcollective) Tina Yeung (@tuna_production_) Satrio Yudho Pratomo (@satrioyudho_p) - 主辦 Organized by: INSTINC
策展 Curated by: MUSTHAVEKEYS
支持 Supported by: Sustain the Arts (stART) Fund United Overseas Bank
元宇宙夥伴 Metaverse Partner:
Serial Communication
#INSTINC #MUSTHAVEKEYS #art #digitalart #digitalfestival #singaporedigitalfestival #metaverse #metaverseexhibition #digitalexhibition #phygitalexhibition #onlineartspace #onlineexhibition #contemporaryart #visualart #virtualreality #artandtechnology #digitalmedia #newmediaart #mediaart #artresdiency #sgart #singaporeart #hkart #hongkongart #數碼藝術 #數位藝術
